Monday, 21 February 2011

Review Summary: EOTC

EOTC was reviewed in term 4, 2010, by parents, board, and staff. We were pleased to see great engagement from reviewers, lots of positive feedback that the policies are comprehensive and form templates and guidelines useful. The review raised a number of issues, read on and comment...

We had just rewritten this section with lots of input and research. We believe it is a comprehensive guide for schools to use when planning their EOTC activities, and that it conforms to best practice guidelines. The forms are designed as templates for schools to fill out as appropriate to their individual circumstances.

We were pleased to see great engagement from reviewers, lots of positive feedback that the policies are comprehensive and form templates and guidelines useful. Teachers commented that the process is easy to follow and a great resource in planning EOTC activities. Parents commented that it seemed very comprehensive and promoted confidence in the school’s EOTC programme. One comment from a parent summed it up well for us: “particularly reassuring as a parent. Very few of us find it easy to send our children on such activities and the reassurance of updated policies is important”.

Most of the implementation feedback was very positive with respondents feeling that the school made a good job of carrying out well planned EOTC activities. We urge boards and principals to look at their specific implementation feedback, and action as appropriate.

Three main issues emerged which we address in separate blogs and encourage you to comment on:
  1. The use of private cars for EOTC transport 
  2. Supervision ratios for EOTC activities 
  3. Risk management

On March 29 2011, Brian Gower said: "Thanks for all your work in getting this done. This is such an important area to get right in order to have good processes and information in place."

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